Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Savings Time begins at 2 a.m. local time this Sunday, March 9, which means you should set your clock (Spring forward) ahead an hour before you go to bed.
Choral Evensong
March 9, 2025 | Choral Evensong
We welcome guest organist, Dr. John T. Lowe Jr, of Saint Mary’s on the Highlands to our organ prelude series and monthly offerings of Choral Evensong.
From the Organist & Choirmaster
The Organist & Choirmaster reflects on the Alleluia as we prepare to bid it farewell for Lent.
Parish Workday
Weeds n' Seeds: A Parish Workday
Join us Saturday, March 8 at 9:30am for a parish workday to beautify the Saint Andrew's grounds!
Red Door Arts Workshop - Zentangle
On Sunday, March 2 (following the 10:30 am Eucharist), Red Door Arts will present the “Zentangle Workshop as a Spiritual Practice” with Barbara Sloan. (Trinity Commons) Supplies and a light lunch will be provided.
Saint of the Week
Perpetua & Felicity, Martyrs of Carthage (d. 202)
Next Friday, March 7, the Church commemorates Saints Perpetua and Felicity, third-century martyrs of Carthage, whose courage and faith have inspired Christians for generations.
Long Range Planning Committee
The Long Range Planning Committee will host an extended Coffee Hour on Sunday, March 2 in Trinity Commons. Special food will be provided.
From the Organist & Choirmaster
Mark your calendars for various dates involving music at Saint Andrew’s.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday | March 5
Join us for our observance of Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.
Alabama Arise
The Alabama Arise Legislative Day (formerly known as Lobby Day) is March 20, 2025 in Montgomery at the Alabama State House (11 So. Union St.) in Room 200
Tuesday Community Night
Join us each Tuesday throughout Lent as we gather to pray the Stations of the Cross.
Shrove Tuesday
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper & Burning of Palms
Join us Tuesday, March 4 for our celebration of Shrove Tuesday, with a pancake supper and traditional liturgy of the Burning of Palms!
Upcoming Event
A conversation with award-winning journalist Nico Lang
Join us at the Magic City Acceptance Center next Saturday, February 22, at 2:00 pm for a compelling conversation with Nico Lang (they/them), an award-winning journalist and trailblazer in LGBTQ+ media. Nico will be discussing their groundbreaking new book, American Teenager: How Trans Kids Are Surviving Hate and Finding Joy in a Turbulent Era.
From the Organist & Choirmaster
Hear from the Organist & Choirmaster about traditional Orthodox Hymnody which the parish choir will sing Sunday.
Andy’s Pantry
Please consider donating to St. Andy’s Pantry.
For a donation of only $28, you can help us feed FOUR families for a week!
The Lesser Feasts Society
Join us this Monday, February 17, at Monday Night Brewing as we discuss the life of Saint Janani Luwun, Archbishop and Martyr of Uganda (d. 1977).
From the Organist & Choirmaster
Hear about this Sunday’s Offertory anthem from Felix Mendelssohn’s Elijah.
Navigating Uncertainty
Please join us tomorrow at Grace Episcopal Church, Woodlawn, for a forum on shifts in immigration policy and response of the Christians.
Book Launch
Launch Party for Kerry Madden-Lunsford’s book “Werewolf Hamlet” February 11, 2025 at Red Mountain Theatre.
6:00 pm Reception, 6;30 pm dramatic reading by UAB actors.
Annual Parish Meeting
Sunday, February 2 | 12:15 pm
Save the Date: Annual Parish Meeting
Join us to reflect on the past year, plan for the year ahead, and celebrate our shared life of ministry and mission.