Choral Evensong

Join us this Sunday, January 12, at 5:30 pm for Saint Andrew’s first service of Choral Evensong in the new year. Preceding the service, at 5:15 pm, Saint Andrew’s Organist and Choirmaster Cody Lawyer will offer an organ prelude.

Evensong is one of the Church’s most ancient and quintessentially Anglican liturgies, originating in 1549 during the English Reformation. Rooted in the daily monastic prayers of the Middle Ages, it weaves together elements of the Roman Catholic Vespers and Compline services into a distinctly Anglican act of worship.

This beautiful, contemplative liturgy features sung prayers, psalms, and evening canticles—the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis—along with an introit, anthem, and hymn. It is a service where music and prayer flow seamlessly, offering a moment of peace and reflection to close your Sunday.

All are welcome, so bring a friend and invite others to experience the meditative beauty of this cherished service.


Epiphany House Blessings


Reforming Criminal Justice in Alabama