About Us

Who is St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church?

Since 1902, we have faithfully served the Southside of Birmingham. As we live into our second century, Saint Andrew’s seeks to extend our ministry more deeply in both our parish and our wider community. We strive to reveal the face of God to the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), Samford Universith, and Miles College, and its surrounding area. We strive to become the hands and feet of Christ, nurturing those in need and feeding the hungry. We strive to celebrate the Holy Spirit with vibrant “high church” liturgy, Christian Formation programs, joyful gatherings, and the celebration of Fine Arts. We hope you will tread this path of service, compassion, and faith with us.

Our Vision

Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church is a community that seeks unity with God and neighbor through Christ in the Anglo-Catholic tradition of liturgy and service, promoting justice, peace, and love.

Our Mission

We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ both at the altar and in the street.

What should I expect in a “high church” service?

​Saint Andrew’s worships in a “high church” style: music-filled and enriched by the use of Eucharistic vestments, incense, intoning, and bells. In this way, all our senses are engaged, involving our whole being in prayer. We know this can be unfamiliar and even intimidating to visitors who are new to this style of liturgy. Participate in the parts in which you feel comfortable doing so. But if this is your first “high church” experience, just take it all in. If you have questions, ask our rector, an usher, or the weekly welcomer . . . or really any member. We would love to tell you why we are so moved by this type of church experience. Most of us didn’t come to to St. Andrew’s knowing this style of liturgy, so there is no need to feel “behind.”

How do you nurture those in need?

A cauldron of soup prepared by a rector one day during the 1970s for homeless persons evolved into Community Kitchens, which serves meals every weekday of the year. In 2020, the parish opened Saint Andy’s Pantry, which provides food for hundreds of persons every other week. The parish was ahead of its time in encouraging women to have leadership roles and in welcoming LGBTQ persons. In 2015, the parish began conducting same-gender weddings, and in 2018 it became the first parish in the diocese to have an openly gay rector, who also was African American. In 2021, it welcomed its first full-time woman priest, as interim rector.