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“Walk in Love” | 2025 Stewardship Campaign
“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:2)
Dear friends in Christ,
It’s hard to believe that Jenna and I moved to Birmingham nearly a year ago. From the moment we arrived, we felt like we belonged.
Saint Andrew’s has been at the heart of that sense of belonging. On our first Sunday, you welcomed us with open hearts, sharing the love and faith that make this community special. As we drove home with a trunk overflowing with food you so generously gave to fill our pantry, Jenna and I knew we had found something sacred here.
Hospitality at Saint Andrew’s is more than a gesture—it’s a way of life. This is a parish that embraces the stranger, feeds the hungry, and clothes the naked. In all of this and more, we walk in love, as Christ loves us.
As we move forward, we are each called to contribute to the story we’re writing as a community. What vision do we have for Saint Andrew’s? What legacy will we leave? Some of us, like Jenna and I, are relatively new to Saint Andrew’s. Others have raised families here, their children having grown up in these pews. Some of you carry the history of this parish through decades of faithful presence. Each of our journeys is woven into the story we share, and together we are writing the next chapter. We all belong here—to each other, and to Jesus, who is our life.
Together, we are the hands and feet of Christ, living sacraments to one another and our neighborhood. Hospitality is both our foundation and mission. Love is our compass. We are a living invitation to the Southside: to come, to see, to belong, and to find the grace of God.
This year’s stewardship theme is “Walk in Love,” a phrase taken from Saint Paul’s epistle to the church in Ephesus. I invite you to prayerfully consider how we can continue walking this path together.
This is what our giving supports—passing on the rich heritage of faith we’ve received, so future generations may continue to walk in love and experience the beauty, reverence, and fullness of our Anglican tradition. From the dignity of our liturgy and the richness of our music, to the architecture that inspires prayer, we strive to offer glory to God. Our giving ensures Saint Andrew’s remains a place of belonging, worship, and service for all.
This coming year, Jenna and I are increasing our pledge by 10%, from $5,600 to $6,160. It’s a sacrificial amount, but it’s worth it to us. We want to sustain the vital ministries of Saint Andrew’s, one of Birmingham’s oldest churches. We are here, at the corner of 12th St. South and 11th Ave., for a reason, to share in the renewal of our community.
We hope you’ll join us in giving for the sake of our neighbors and to sustain our common life.
Yours in Christ~
Fr. Peter Helman, SCP
18th Rector, Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church
“Walk in Love” - 2025 Pledge Form
Online Giving
You can make an online gift through Saint Andrew’s secure website, www.standrewsbham.org/give.
There are two ways to give online:
To complete your 2025 Pledge Form, scroll down to find the form. Once completed, click “Submit.” (1) To make a one-time gift, contribute to your 2025 pledge, or designate a gift to support a special ministry at Saint Andrew’s, click “Donate Here” at the very top of the page. (2) A new page will appear.
If you have any questions or need assistance setting up your bank transfer or card payment, please feel free to contact Charlie Venable, Saint Andrew’s Bookkeeper, in the church office at (205) 251-7898 or bookkeeper@standrewsbham.org.
Recurring Contributions
Visit our portal on Tithly to set up recurring donations via credit card or bank drafts. You can also call the church office to set this up. Please consider covering the fees when you donate using this method.
Give via Text
Text "give" to (205) 576-0674, click the link you receive, complete the form with your credit/debit card information, follow the instructions via text.
Give via Check
Write a check to Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church and put it in the offertory plate during a service or mail it to:
1024 12th Street South
Birmingham, Alabama 35205
Stock Donations
The Episcopal Diocese of Alabama acts as a liaison to help donors donate stock to Saint Andrew’s. For more information, please contact Charlie Venable, Saint Andrew’s Bookkeeper, in the church office at (205) 251-7898 or bookkeeper@standrewsbham.org.