St. Thomas Study Group
Join us in our reading of our new book, Paul Tillich’s Dynamics of Faith.
Please look for an email from Mike Yusko on the Zoom link and time for each week’s St. Thomas Study Group.
From the Organist & Choirmaster
Hear from the Organist & Choirmaster about the history behind Sunday’s Hymn in Procession.
News from the Episcopal Church
Rio Grande bishop ‘insulted’ by Trump DHS letter implying migrant shelter may have broken laws
Tuesday Community Nights in Lent
Tuesday Community Nights in Lent: Walking the Path of Beloved Community
March 25 — Session Three: Proclaiming the Dream of Beloved Community
Food Not Bombs
Food Not Bombs: Striving for Hospitality and Justice
Please join us at noon on Wednesdays at Trinity Commons Student Center to help prepare free, nourishing meals for distribution at Brother Bryan Park.
Saint of the Week
The Feast of Saint Óscar Romero
Join us next Monday, March 24, at 12:15pm for a celebration of the life and witness of Óscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador (d. 1980).
From the Rector
The rector reflects on the upcoming March 25th celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation, a commemoration of Our Lady Mary.
Holy Baptism & Confirmation
Prepare for Baptism and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil
An invitation to deepen your faith journey through Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception into at this year’s Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 19, celebrated by Bishop Glenda Curry.
Indian Springs “The Secret Garden”
Indian Springs Theatre Presents “The Secret Garden”
Friday, March 14 | 7:00pm
Saturday, March 15 | 7:00 pm
Sunday, March 16 | 2:00pm
Saint Andy’s Pantry
Additional Pantry Dates for March in consideration of the April Holy Week and Easter schedule:
Stock-the-Pantry Day
Thursday, March 27 | 9:00am
Distribution Day
Saturday, March 29 | 8:00am
Sawyerville Supply Drive
"Thanks Be to God!"
Support Sawyerville Summer Camp: Supply Drive at Saint Andrew’s
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross - An Ancient Devotion throughout Lent
Join us in the church as we gather each Tuesday at 6:00pm throughout Lent to pray the Stations of the Cross!
Red Egg Guild
Everyone is invited to join the Red Egg Guild tonight, March 13, 2025. David Gary will provide a main dish of chicken and rice. Please bring side dishes you’d like to share which don’t require an oven.
Chorister Program
Beginning on April 2, 2025 Saint Andrew’s will begin to offer a FREE chorister program. Spread the word and register your children to be a part of this new opportunity!
Formation Classes
Please join us this Sunday, March 23, for Bible Study Sunday’s Gospel: “Bible Journaling” as this week’s session of the combined Adult and Youth Christian Formation at 9:15am following the 8:30am Rite I Eucharist.
Saint Andy’s Clothing Closet
Saint Andy’s Clothing Closet – COMING SOON!
As an extension of Saint Andy’s Pantry, we are excited to announce the launch of Saint Andy’s Clothing Closet, opening after Easter (April 20).
Altar Flowers
This year the church is operating with a leaner financial budget and your donations toward the flower guild will ensure we can provide fresh flowers in the sanctuary throughout the coming year.
Devotional Booklets
The 2025 Devotional booklet is now available for pickup in the church, as well as available for electronic download!
From the Organist & Choirmaster
The Organist & Choirmaster invites you to Sunday’s offering of Choral Evensong.