“My favorite activity at St Andrew’s St Andy’s Pantry is because the pantry is doing the work of Christ, being His hands and feet, by feeding our neighbors with no expectations.”
-Parishioner Comment
Over the years, St. Andrew’s has founded and supported several community outreach programs. Two of our most notable programs are Community Kitchens and St. Andy’s Pantry. Community Kitchens began as a parish soup kitchen and has grown into a full-fledged non-profit organization, still housed at St. Andrew’s and actively supported by its parishioners and operating at another urban Episcopal parish as well. The program feeds hundreds of persons a hot meal throughout the year, with parishioners filling in for paid staff on holidays. St. Andy’s Pantry, also actively supported by parishioners, is a highly successful food pantry designed for families in need. Every other week, St. Andrew’s facilitates the distribution of groceries to feed 75 to 80 families (over 200 people). St. Andrew’s is an active, participating member of Alabama Arise, a statewide non-profit, non-partisan coalition of congregations, organizations and individuals united in advocating for the poor in Alabama and working toward systemic change to eradicate poverty. Over forty parishioners signed up to participate in this year’s Pride Parade. Outreach is essential to St. Andrew’s Anglo-Catholic “street and altar” identity.
St. Andy's Pantry
St. Andrew's food pantry provides groceries to dozens of individuals and families twice a month. There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer. We need help with our twice monthly Saturday distributions, with unloading food from the truck on the Thursdays prior, and for filling grocery bags during the week before the distributions. To learn more, please call the parish office at 205-251-7898.
Distribution occurs on the first and third Saturdays of the month, with pantry stocking day on the preceding Thursday.
55th Place
A community outreach program in the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama. This not-for-profit organization re-sells donated items and operates solely on donations and volunteers. One hundred percent of the stores proceeds are donated to various organizations and people in the Birmingham area. Since its inception in 1987, 55th Place has donated more than $700,000 to the Birmingham community.
Alabama Arise
Alabama Arise is a coalition of 150 religious, community, and civic groups that work on poverty issues by promoting state policies to improve the lives of low-income people. St. Andrew's is in good company with a number of faith groups, including the Alabama Episcopal Diocesan Department on the Church in the world and several local parishes, as well as members from every major denomination in the state. St. Andrew's is an active participant in Arise, supporting their annual Lobby Day, hosting visits from Arise's community organizers, and writing our legislators on issues affecting people with low incomes.
Community Kitchens
Since 1980 Community Kitchens has served the hungry, homeless and working poor without regard to situation or condition. Those who are in need of a warm and nutritious meal will find our doors open 365 days a year.
Community Kitchens Volunteers
Volunteers from St. Andrew's enjoy our wonderful tradition of cooking and serving lunch on selected public holidays for the Southside guests of Community Kitchens. All the helpers have fun getting to know one another better while working together on New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve. New volunteers are always welcome.
Southside Location:
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
1024 South 12th Street
Birmingham, AL 35205
Meals are served weekdays and Saturday at 12:00 P.M. in the church parish hall. Sunday sack lunches are served from the UAB parking lot on 11th Avenue South and 11th Place by the used book store.
Woodlawn Location:
Grace Episcopal Church
5712 1st Ave North
Birmingham, AL 35212
Meals are served daily at 12:45 P.M. in the church parish hall.
Episcopal Place
Episcopal Place provides subsidized housing for elderly and disabled with limited income. It is located in the Highland Park neighborhood.