Ways of serving!

For more information, contact the Parish Office at (205) 251-7898 or by email here.

The opportunities on this page are avenues to to serve or participate in the liturgy of St. Andrew’s. For avenues to reach out within the parish to offer fellowship, welcome, and comfort, please click here.

To assist and facilitate worship, under the guidance of the Rector, by serving at the Altar. There is ongoing training and serving 2 times each month.

Altar Guild
The ministry of the Altar Guild is to prepare the linens, altar vessels, and candles used in the sanctuary and chapel for all services, including Sunday and other Holy Communions, Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals.

Parish Choir
The choir of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church dedicates its gifts of time and talent to glorifying God through music. We are committed to the preservation and enrichment of the Anglo-Catholic liturgy of our worship services. We offer to God the best of ourselves and our music, seeking always to "serve the Lord with gladness and come before his presence with a song.”

Flower Guild
The Flower Guild is the ministry of arranging flowers on the weekends that flowers are given in memory of / in thanksgiving for by a parishioner for use in the chancel.

Lay Eucharist Visitors (LEVs)
LEMs take Communion to members of our parish family who are unable to come to church because of illness or infirmity. These ministers are charged during the service and leave with kits containing consecrated sacraments and conduct abbreviated services in homes, the hospital, or nursing homes.

​To contribute to the liturgy of Sunday worship and/or in observance of a special occasion, lay readers recite the lessons of both the Old and New Testaments readings for each Sunday or special occasion of the liturgical year. The readers from week to week.

Ushers & Greeters
The mission of the greeters/ushers is to be hosts, ambassadors for the St. Andrew’s congregation. This duty is accomplished by greeting both visitor and member as they enter and by facilitating the smooth running of the “house” side of the service.