We are a diverse community, seeking unity with God and our neighbors through Christ in the Anglo-Catholic tradition of liturgy and service.  We promote justice, peace, and love.

Our mission is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ both at the altar and in the street.


Rite I 8 am • Rite II 10:30 am
Christian Formation 9:15 am
for Youth and Adults

Morning Prayer 7:30 am
Noonday Mass 12:15 pm

Choir Practice 6:30 pm

Thursday (1st & 3rd)
St. Andy's Pantry
Stocking 9:30 am - 12:00 pm

Saturday (1st & 3rd)
St. Andy's Pantry
Distribution 8:30 am - 10:30 am

Parish News

St. Andrew's is a welcoming and affirming congregation of diverse Christians who are committed to Jesus' command to love and care for our neighbors, whoever they may be.​​ Everybody is welcome in our church. Seekers, doubters, non-Episcopalians and non-Christians - the door is always open! ​​A little nervous about coming to a church you haven't been to before? Contact us by telephone at (205) 251-7898 and we'll connect you with a regular member of the church to help you meet people and become familiar with us.

“My favorite aspect of St. Andrew’s is the welcoming atmosphere because it made me feel immediately like I was home. In the right place.”

~Parishioner Comment


8:00 A.M. Holy Eucharist, Rite I
This service uses some traditional language, such as thee and thou.  No music and a smaller crowd make this service brief.
10:30 A.M. Holy Eucharist, Rite II
In person and online.  Contemporary language, a small but skillful choir, and an extraordinary organ inspire our worship at this service.
11:45 A.M. Coffee Hour