Memorial Gifts
Christmas Memorial Gifts
We invite you to honor loved ones and friends this holiday season with memorial gifts.
Special Coffee Hour
Join us this Sunday for a special coffee hour hosted by the Daughters of the King.
Office Closed
Holiday Schedule
The Parish Office will be closed from December 26 through January 6 in observance of Christmastide and the New Year holidays.
Midweek Services Update
Our regular midweek services will pause during Christmastide and resume on January 7.
Message from Bishop Glenda Curry
Message from Bishop Glenda Curry
The Bishop calls for the election of the XIII Bishop of the Diocese of Alabama.
Advent Christian Formation
Advent Christian Formation
Join us this Sunday, Dec. 22, for the final discussion on ancient and modern theories of atonement, led by the Rev'd Rob Morpeth.
Saint Andrew’s Blanket Drive
Please help us provide blankets for those most vulnerable in our community.
Stewardship Update
Thank you for continuing to walk in love with us toward our shared vision to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the altar and in the street.
Saint Andrew’s Annual Meeting
This Sunday, December 8, we will elect our incoming class of vestry members, as well as our delegates to the Diocesan Convention. Join us in Trinity Commons following the 10:30 am service.
Christmas 2024
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day
Join us at Saint Andrew’s as we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord.
Service Cancellation
Church Offices Closed
The parish office will be closed and weekday Morning Prayer and Holy Eucharist will be on hiatus from December 26 to January 6.
Vestry Election Results
Please welcome and pray for our new class of vestry members, elected last Sunday, December 8,
From the Organist & Choirmaster
The Organist & Choirmaster tells the history of the “Kyrie,” and why it is in Greek, the only other language in the BCP.
Greening the Church
Join us for a special Tuesday Community Night on December 17 as we prepare our church for the celebration of Christmas! The evening begins in Trinity Commons with Evening Prayer at 6:00 pm, followed by dinner at 6:30 pm, after which we’ll head into the church to deck the halls with greens, lights, and holiday cheer.
Tuesday Community Night
Please join us Tuesday, Dec. 17 as we decorate and green the church for Christmas.
Trinity Commons will be open at 6:00 pm for Evening Prayer, followed by a soup and salad dinner. The greening of the church will begin at 7:00 pm, with hot chocolate and cookies!
All are welcome, so spread the word!
From the Organist & Choirmaster
The organist reflects on The Season of Advent and what it signifiies.
Advent & The Great Litany
Discover the rich history of the Great Litany in Anglican worship and devotion.
Bishop’s Visit and Confirmation
Sunday, Dec. 1st
Join us for the First Sunday of Advent.
Bishop Curry will celebrate the Eucharist and preach at both the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses, with the Sacrament of Confirmation at the 10:30 am service. Reception in Trinity Commons following 10:30 am service.