Memorial Gifts

As we prepare to celebrate the joy of Christmas, we invite you to honor the memory of loved ones and friends through a memorial gift. These gifts provide support for the extra costs associated with our Christmas and Easter liturgies, including flowers, special music, candles, and more.

These services lie at the heart of the Church’s worship, celebrating the grace of God dwelling among us in Christ, whose light dispels the shadows of fear and anxiety in a world longing for hope.

To have your loved ones remembered in our Christmas Eve services, please make your donation by Sunday, December 22. You may give by writing a check to Saint Andrew’s, with “Memorial Offering” in the memo line, or by donating online at Please also note what you would like the dedication to say, such as in honor of, in memory of, or in thanksgiving for.

(Article art by Scott Cupstid, titled "The Nativity.")


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