Tuesday Community Nights in Lent

Lenten Tuesday Community Nights: Walking the Path of Beloved Community

This Lenten season, we invite you to join us for our weekly Tuesday Community Nights as we continue a series of conversations about racial healing and reconciliation.

We will be following "Preparing to Become the Beloved Community," a thoughtful curriculum published by The Episcopal Church, which you can find by clicking the link below. This Tuesday, March 25, we are reading and discussion "Session 3: Proclaiming the Dream of Beloved Community"

What is Tuesday Community Night?

Each Tuesday Community Night follows a simple, meaningful rhythm:

6:00pm — During Lent, we begin in the church with the ancient devotion of the Stations of the Cross

6:30pm — A simple soup and salad supper in Trinity Commons Student Center

7:00pm — Guided discussion on that week's Beloved Community theme

Why Beloved Community?

This curriculum emerges from the Episcopal Church's long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation, and justice. As former Presiding Bishop Michael Curry reminds us, we are called to be not just a church but a branch of the Jesus Movement—a community that follows Jesus into loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with God, each other, and creation.

Like walking a labyrinth, our journey toward Beloved Community is ongoing. We enter wherever God provides an opening—whether through telling truths about our church's racial history, discerning God's dream for our community, practicing Jesus' way of healing and love, or working to transform systemic injustice.

All Are Welcome

Whether you're exploring membership, baptism, confirmation, reception, or simply seeking prayer and meaningful conversation, Tuesday Community Nights are for you. Come for the full evening or just a portion—whatever fits your schedule and spiritual needs. Join us this Lent as we prayerfully walk together, seeking to embody Christ's love in the world


Preparing to Become the Beloved Community
This Lenten season, we invite you to join us for our weekly Tuesday Community Nights as we begin a series of conversations about becoming Beloved Community, with guided conversation about racial healing and reconciliation.

We will be following "Preparing to Become the Beloved Community," a thoughtful curriculum published by The Episcopal Church. This program invites us to walk the path of a labyrinth—not in straight lines, but in a continual pilgrimage of spiritual formation as we work toward racial healing, reconciliation, and justice.

Our Lenten schedule includes:

  • March 11 — Session One: Becoming the Beloved

  • March 18 — Session Two: Telling the Truth about Our Churches and Race

  • March 25 — Session Three: Proclaiming the Dream of Beloved Community

  • April 1 — Session Four: Practicing the Way of Love in the Pattern of Jesus

  • April 8 — Session Five: Repairing the Breach in Institutions and Society

Click the below to download a PDF of the weekly sessions:


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