Sawyerville Day Camp Towel Drive
Thank you for your towel donations!
We met our goal of 100 beach towels for
Sawyerville’s Summer Camp 2024!
Thank you for making 100 children happy!
This Sunday is the last day that towels for Sawyerville’s Summer Camp will be collected. If you would prefer to make a donation to be used for towels, please drop a check to St. Andrew’s with the note “for Sawyerville towels” into the collection plate on Sunday. Thank you for your donations!
Saint Andrew's is once again sponsoring a beach towel drive for Sawyerville Summer Camp, a free day camp for children and youth ages 6-14 living in Hale County, Alabama.
It is sponsored by the Diocese of Alabama, and the staff come from all over the diocese and the local community. We need to collect 100 towels by the end of May! The staff has asked that we contribute thin rather than bulky, fluffy towel this year so they will dry overnight. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Phyllis Benington at or by phone at (205) 718-0378.
Thank you, everyone, for helping on this project.