Bishop’s Visitation
Prepare for Baptism and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil
As we journey through Lent and prepare for the joys of Easter, we invite those who feel called to receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, or to be Confirmed or Received into The Episcopal Church, to reach out and begin this sacred preparation.
This year, Bishop Glenda Curry will preside at her final Easter Vigil with Saint Andrew’s on Saturday, April 19, making it an especially meaningful celebration of faith and renewal.
Holy Baptism marks our adoption as God’s children and our incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church. By water and the Holy Spirit, we are bound together by the love of Christ in his death and resurrection, and we receive the forgiveness of sins and new life in God’s kingdom. Baptism invites us to make solemn vows to follow Christ and to share in the Church’s common life.
Confirmation and Reception offer an opportunity to make a mature and public affirmation of your baptismal vows. For those baptized as infants or young children, it is a way personally to claim the promises made on your behalf. Through the laying on of hands by a bishop, confirmands receive the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit for their ongoing journey of faith. For those previously confirmed in another Christian tradition, Reception into The Episcopal Church provides a way to formally join our communion while honoring the grace of your prior confirmation.
If you feel drawn to take this next step in your faith journey—through Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception—please contact Fr. Peter Helman at He would be honored to meet with you, discuss these sacramental rites, and help you prepare for this significant milestone in your spiritual life.