From the Director of St. Andy’s Pantry
Dear friends,
It’s amazing to me that today, July 19th, St. Andy’s Pantry celebrates its 5th anniversary of ministry at Saint Andrew's. The time has flown by, and the pantry has grown into one of Saint Andrew's most vibrant ministries of outreach. What began as a once-a-month food distribution has grown into a twice-monthly food distribution, with the addition of health screenings, voter registration drives, and other types of social justice and outreach opportunities.
The pantry's work depends on the support of so many hearts and hands. I want to thank you, the many members of Saint Andrew's, for your constant support. We are where we are because of you. I also want to thank the large number of volunteers who help out each Thursday on Stock-the-Pantry days and on Saturday Distribution days. We are blessed by the presence and financial support of St. Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church, St. Luke's Episcopal Church, and All Saints' Episcopal Church. We are also blessed to have the help of UAB graduate students.
I never imagined five years ago just how much of a part St. Andy’s Pantry would become in Saint Andrew’s outreach ministry to the Southside of Birmingham. We have evolved and changed with the times, and we are always stretching and searching for ways of streamlining our processes, welcoming new volunteers, and asking the important question, “What more can we do to seek and serve those most in need?"
In just the first half of 2024, St. Andy’s Pantry has delivered more than 35,746 pounds of food and served roughly 1,000 families and 3,889 individuals. That’s a lot, and it takes a lot of work to make it happen. And there's so much more we can do together.
Mostly, and on a personal note, this pantry has brought me peace and I have never enjoyed it more. None of it would be possible without the many, many volunteers as well as the other members who serve with me on the leadership team: Fr. Bill King, Deacon Gerri Aston, Audrey Brown, Karen McIntyre, Fergus Touhy, and Martha Dameron. Thank you as well to our past members, Rodney Jones and Palmer Rankin, and so many others. These folks are dear to me, and I am thankful and blessed to be able to work with them on this large and important part of Saint Andrew’s community outreach. We are doing the work of Christ by loving our neighbors, and I'm excited to see where Christ leads us as a parish in the next five years and beyond.
Yours faithfully~
Bernard Hufft
Director of St. Andy's Pantry
Please enjoy a few photos of people at work for St. Andy’s Pantry