From the Organist & Choirmaster
On Saturday August 17th, the Parish Choir gathered together again for our annual choir retreat. This year we held it on campus at Trinity Commons where all things music related to have relocated, if you haven’t come upstairs to see it you should, it is a remarkable space to have the choir. The Parish choir welcomed two new volunteer members, Kyle and Mikaela McGucken, they add a great roundness to the inner voices of the choir, there are now exactly two or more singers for each part. In total we number to 10 with room to grow when we welcome choral scholars as they come to us. Their sound is incredible, I am always blown away with their abilities.
The Parish Choir begins singing at Sunday Masses starting September 8th, anticipate Anglican Chant, great anthems, hymnody with descants and more invigorating organ accompaniments!
Perhaps what I am most excited for is the offering of Choral Evensong on the second Sunday of each month from September to May. Our first will be September 8th at 5:30 pm. Preceding each Evensong there will be a 15 minute organ prelude given by local scholars and professionals, the first being myself, these preludes begin at 5:15 pm. Please make plans to be at our first Choral Evensong, all are most welcome and invite your friends so we can fill the Nave with great music to end our day!
The music for the first Choral Evensong is:
Canticles: Stanford in Bb
Psalm 103: Chant by Dr. Adam Cobb (A Samford alum!)
Preces and Responses: William Smith
Introit: Prayer to Jesus, Oldroyd
Anthem: The eyes of all wait upon thee, Berger
Hymn: St. Clement with Descant