Epiphany House Blessings

The tradition of home blessings, particularly around the Feast of the Epiphany, is a cherished way to invite God’s presence and protection into your household. One custom, known as "chalking the door," involves marking your home's entrance with blessed chalk, inscribing the year and the initials C+M+B, representing both the traditional names of the Magi—Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar—and the Latin phrase Christus Mansionem Benedicat ("May Christ bless this house").

Packets with blessed chalk and a brief order of service are available at the back of the church near the crèche, so you can take part in this meaningful tradition.

For those who would like a priest to bless their home, Fr. Peter is available to schedule house blessings. A PDF of the order of service is included with this article.


What does chalking the door have to do with the Feast of the Epiphany?

The tradition of chalking the door connects deeply to the themes of the Epiphany because it reflects the Magi’s act of honoring Christ as King and inviting his presence into their lives. Just as the Magi traveled from distant lands to acknowledge and worship the manifestation of God in Christ, chalking the door is a way for families to symbolically invite Christ’s light and blessing to dwell within their home throughout the year. This act of marking the doorway represents a household’s openness to receive Christ, echoing the Epiphany’s message of Christ’s revelation to all nations and peoples.


From the Organist & Choirmaster


Candlemas (Feast of the Presentation)