Altar Guild

Please Consider Joining St. Andrew’s Altar Guild

How do the elements on the Altar, clean linens, bread, wine, candles, all come together each Sunday? 

Team members of the Altar Guild rotate each week to set up for the Sunday services.  We need new members to help take care of each detail in preparing the Altar.

Our goal is to work in teams which cover one week end a month and rotating taking care of the occasional 5th Sunday.  Time needed during the weekend is approximately an hour set up, usually on Friday or Saturday; cover changing the set up between the 8 am and 10 :30 am service.  We ask for additional all hands help during the Easter and Christmas seasons. 

No time on the weekends?  Do you love Linens?  The Altar Guild is responsible for overseeing the beautiful white linens used on the Altar and during the Eucharist.  We need some of those linens taken care of each week.  Those interested in helping can serve only for Linens Care or may be combined with regular Altar Guild Duty.  Time for this is flexible.

Seasonal Assistance – want to assist only with the Easter and Christmas Season?  After a brief orientation, assistance during these busy times of the year, all are welcome. 

If interested, contact Martha Dameron to sign up, ask question or to have a more detailed discussion. [ call or text 415-710-2135]

Thank you for your consideration.


From the Organist & Choirmaster


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